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About us

About us 

Badace Tactical is a family-owned company located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada since 2013. We are specialized in No-Drill-Tap (NDT) scope mounts and all our products are designed, tested and assembled in Canada. Products are mainly manufactured in Canada.

Our Business Model

We are a 100% B2C (Business To Consumer) business, which means that we sell directly to you, our customers, without any "middleman". The direct result is lower costs and lower prices - because there are no retail markups (usually between 30% to 50%). We can also manage our manufacturing plans more efficiently because of shorter sales cycles and lower inventory cost. This is also why we do not need a brick and mortar store. You can buy all our products from our website online 24/7 and your order will be shipped to you in the most efficient way you have chosen. 

Please note that we do not accept offline payment or telephone ordering for information security reasons.

Email Us

Mailing address

BadAce Tactical
PO Box 35023 Larry Uteck PO
Halifax NS B3M 0E0